Mighty Marvel Money Saver!

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

In honor of the release of Captain Marvel (I know, I’m a week late – but go see it! It’s awesome!), here’s another classic Marvel captain: Captain America! Here he’s offering you a Mighty Marvel Flying Shield (aka, a frisbee) for free when you subscribe to at least three titles!


Am I the only one who finds Cap’s use of “hip lingo” a little out of character? If they really felt the need to use that dialog, I think it would’ve gone better with Spider-Man.

Solar Faux?

December 1983

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #3

Solar Fox! I’ve never played the game myself, but I’ve heard it’s a really good one. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about this ad – it just makes me cringe!


For those of you who don’t know, I’m an editor, so spelling, grammar, and punctuation are what I do. I half wonder if anyone proofread this before it went to print. This ad has missing punctuation, incorrect punctuation, ambiguous letters, and possibly even missing words! I’m sure that most people wouldn’t really notice, and for those that would, they probably wouldn’t really care, but it’s my job to care about this, and I can’t just turn it off when I’m not on the clock!

CBS Electronics, I give you credit for doing an ad in the style of a comic, but next time you do (which I’m sure will be any day now!), please have me check it over before it goes to publication!