You Can Subscribe… Just Not to This

January 1978

The Secret Society of Super-Villains #12

Yes, you can subscribe to your favorite DC comics! …But just not this one. At first I thought I must’ve just missed it in the listing, but no – Power Girl, the title that Superman himself is showing off here, is not on the list of available titles!


This ad appeared not long before the “DC implosion,” where they canceled about 40% of their titles. In fact, here Amazing World of DC Comics is advertising issue #16 – well, #17 was the last ever published!

Also, this is the first time I’m noticing a subscription price that’s actually higher than the cover price!


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Recycle Our Way to Victory!


Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes

Here’s another bonus post from the MoPOP exhibit. In this one we’ve got Cap and Bucky giving you tips on how to recycle paper for the war effort.


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Hey, Nick!

January 1998

Thunderbolts #10

Here we’ve got Nickelodeon’s weekly 8:00 lineup. I wasn’t a kid at this time, so while I’ve heard of Hey Arnold! and Rugrats, I’m really not familiar with any of these shows (in fact, I’d never even heard of the others before this ad!). Sorry, but I’m kind of at a loss here! Did any of you watch these shows? If so, what did you think of them?


This is the last ad from this issue of Thunderbolts, and I think I’m going to take a break from posting ’90s ads for a while. The ones from the ’70s and ’80s are the ones I really love, and it seems like most of you do as well. If I run across a ’90s comic with some great ads, I’ll post it, but for now I’m going to stick to what I’m passionate about. (Yes, I really am passionate about vintage ads. Because I really am that much of a dork!)


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Preserve Liberty for Only 10¢!


Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes

So, I’m considering this kind of a bonus post, since I didn’t actually get this ad from a physical comic book. I recently went to the Marvel exhibit at MoPOP in Seattle, and they had some pretty great vintage Captain America ads on display, so here’s the first that I’d like to share with you.


Here you can join the “Sentinels of Liberty” (aka the Captain America fan club) for only 10¢! But not only are you showing your Cap fandom, you’re also helping to “preserve liberty in the U.S.A.”! That seems like quite a bargain!


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Grin and (Care) Bear It!

May 1986

Masters Of The Universe #1

It’s the Care Bears – here to offer you a deal on all of your favorite cartoon tie-in comics! Star Comics was a division of Marvel that was used mostly for cartoon-related comics and other titles that would appeal to young children.


OK, I know subscription pages generally aren’t very interesting, but just (Care) bear with me – I’m almost finished with each of the comics I’ve been posting from, and soon I’ll have a whole new batch!


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Manly Muscly Muscles!

January 1978

The Secret Society of Super-Villains

It sure seems like guys in the ’70s were obsessed with muscles… or at least advertisers wanted guys in the ’70s to be obsessed with muscles! Here is yet another system where you can quickly and easily build yourself the body of your (and, of course, girls’) dreams!


“Imaging” [Um, I think that’s supposed to be “Imagine.”] “walking through your local beach or neighborhood swimming area… friends noticing your Titanic Legs,” [So, legs that fail and sink to the bottom of the ocean?] “your Wide Manly Shoulders,” [Just how wide do shoulders have to be in order to be considered “manly”?] “Rock Hard Stomach Muscles,” [Whew! for a second there I thought they were heading south of the belly button, if ya know what I mean!] “and last but not least, your full High-peaked Biceps” [Is that something that people are actually impressed by? I never knew bicep peaks were a thing…] “that attract second glances from all!” [Because you look like a ‘roid freak!]

So, who do you think would win in a fight: the guy from this ad, Charles Atlas, or Joe Weider?


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