The End(?)

So… I’ve been putting this off for a long time, but I need closure and I think you guys deserve it too. This is the end of Comic Book Ads… at least for now. Maybe someday I’ll come back to it, but I wouldn’t want to commit to anything.

Why? Well, a number of reasons, the biggest being that while I still love the ads themselves, posting them has started to feel like more of a chore than a hobby. I don’t really know what changed, and I’m sorry that it did, but that’s just the way it is.

Secondly, my ancient scanner stopped working, and since this was pretty much the only thing I ever used it for, I don’t really feel the need to replace it.

And thirdly, I’m at 87% capacity on my WordPress site, and I’m not willing to pay in order to keep posting more stuff. (And I’m not willing to delete anything, since I always intended for this to basically be a historical archive.)

I’m proud to say that I’ve presented every single ad published in 14 different comics books:

  • X-Men #1: September 1963
  • Jungle Action #2: December 1972
  • Claw The Unconquered #5: February 1976
  • The Secret Society of Super-Villains #12: January 1978
  • Shogun Warriors #7: August 1979
  • Buck Rogers #7: April 1980
  • Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #3: December 1983
  • G.I. Joe #33: March 1985
  • Masters of the Universe #1: May 1986
  • Visionaries #3: March 1988
  • Wonder Woman #37: December 1989
  • X-Force #43: February 1995
  • Deadpool #1: January 1997
  • Thunderbolts #10: January 1998

I like to think that these represent a good cross-section of pop culture across these decades.

These past four years have been a fun ride, and thank you to everyone who’s shared it with me! I encourage you all to seek out weird, wonderful comic book ads on your own by supporting your local comic book shop!

Take care!

Super Deals on Super Dolls!

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

Here we’ve got a collection of various toys. At first I thought it was odd that different, unrelated brands would share an ad, but then realized that this is actually for a store that sells these toys, so they probably just threw together their most popular stuff for this ad.


If I could pick anything from this ad, I think I’d have to go with the Mego dolls, and if I could only pick one, it would be Spider-Man. What about you?

Star Wars Squared!

December 1983

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #3

A Star Wars ad from a Star Wars comic – how perfect! While I wish this was for the regular toys, I guess models are good too – just not something I ever really got into.


I was curious about the breakout in the bottom corner – “A Golden Opportunity Kit” –  so I did a little research on it. Apparently MPC had a program similar to Kool-Aid points where you’d cut out “Golden Opportunity Tokens” from the boxes and then could trade them in for new kits – sounds like a pretty cool deal!

For All Your 8 MM Needs!

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

OK, I know it’s been over half a year since I’ve posted anything – sorry! I’ve had a few scans left over that I’ve been meaning to post, so here you go…

So here we have “Our Best MOVIE PROJECTOR”! And not only that, but it also comes with a screen and 3D “Stereo Specs” for free! I’m curious about how those 3D glasses “worked” – unless something was actually filmed in 3D and you’re using those red/blue glasses, I wouldn’t have high hopes. I’m guessing they were something like X-Ray Spex that just slightly distorted your vision.


Also, they mention both a regular projector and a deluxe model… but never indicate what the difference is… and only have the deluxe model on the order form. So I guess if you’re looking for a budget model, you’re out of luck!

Battleshirt Galactica

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

Only $4.99 for these fabulous Battlestar Galactica T-shirts! Though back in 1979 that $4.99 would’ve been more like $17.50 today – so while it won’t break the bank, it’s not exactly chump change either.


With five designs and six colors to choose from you’ve got quite a few options to choose from! I’d be curious to see the data on which design/color combinations were most popular (just because I’m a nerd like that). Personally, I think I’d go for the Battlestar Crew on light blue – what would you pick?

In a Class(ified) of Their Own

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

Well, like most classifieds, we’ve got lots of comic lists and lots of stamps! And the award for least creative company name on this page goes to Comic Sales Company!


I know I’ve voiced my concern before about sending live animals through the mail, but I still find it kind of weird that you can order seahorses by mail order – seems like it would be pretty treacherous for them!

High Marks for Marx

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

When I first glanced at this ad, I assumed it was for Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars, but it turns out they’re actually made by Marx. I’d never actually heard of this company, and figured it was probably some minor, short-lived business.


Wow, was I ever wrong! It turns out that Marx began in 1919 and was considered the top toy company for decades! This is the company that created such iconic toys as Rock’em Sock’em Robots and Big Wheels!

But, unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Marx started to shut down plants the same year this ad was published, and was completely out of business as of 1980.

Git Yer GRIT!

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

This is my favorite of the GRIT ads I’ve featured, since it’s actually in the form of a comic. It’s so much more colorful and entertaining than the others. Here we have the story of Chris, a prematurely gray-haired kid who doesn’t have enough money to go have fun with his friends. But then he discovers GRIT! And his whole life is made better because of it!


I noticed the artist’s signature of either “N. Rosate” or “H. Rosate” in the third panel. I looked it up, hoping to find some info about the artist, but couldn’t find anything. However, just the fact that this art made it into an ad actually published in a comic book is a huge accomplishment – I’m sure tons of hopeful comic artists never get to see their work in print at all. So, Mr. (or Ms.) Rosate, I salute you for actually living the dream and getting your work published – even if it is just in an ad!

Micronauts… or Micro-nots?

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

I kind of remember Micronauts being around, but never actually had any. Most of what I know about them actually came from Netflix’s “The Toys That Made Us” (which, if you haven’t watched yet – GO CHECK IT OUT RIGHT NOW!). It was interesting to learn that they actually came about because there was a material shortage, and making smaller action figures was a cost-cutting measure.


OK, maybe I’m overthinking this (in fact, I almost certainly am), but Membros is a “scaley-skinned android”? First of all, it should be “scaly,” not “scaley.” Second of all, ANDROIDS DON’T HAVE SKIN BECAUSE THEY’RE ROBOTS!! If he was a cyborg, then it would be plausible that he could have skin, but not as a straight-up android! What were these people thinking??

Also, for Antron – what do you wanna bet that someone working at Mego was named Anton, and that’s how they came up with the name? “Anton… AnTRON! Nailed it!”

Just Don’t Freeze the Pool!

August 1979

Shogun Warriors #7

Nope, it’s not a villain from Batman — it’s a brand of ice pops!


Yep, for only $2.99 with the purchase of a pack of Freeze Pops, you could get this pool float! I give them credit in their choice of promotional product — since the inflated sections of the float actually look like Freeze Pops, it’s a great promo!