Supplying the Never-Ending Need for Greeting Cards

December 1972

Jungle Action #2

Here’s yet another ad trying to tempt kids with fantastic prizes in exchange for hocking stuff to their friends and family.


The thing that strikes me the most about this is the over-contoured faces of the kids – really, artist, I think you’ve got plenty of detail there!

Can it Really Be Considered a Prize if You’re Earning It?

April 1980

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century #7

Ah, to be young – so much stuff you want, but so few options for getting the money for that stuff. Well, Olympic Sales Club is here to help! Just look at all the fabulous prizes you could earn by selling cards and gifts!


So pretty much everything on here is stuff that would appeal to kids/teenagers… except possibly the crock-pot. I mean, really, what kid would choose a crock-pot over toys or video games??

And just for the record, I had a Coleco Telstar as a kid (and still have it, in fact!) – I think getting it for a few bucks at a rummage sale is a much better deal than having to sell 19 boxes of greeting cards!